WVDL Staff Member Leads the Way in Electron Microscopy

Craig Radi and the WVDL are National Leaders in Transmission Electron Microscopy

WVDL senior microbiologist Craig Radi started the only TEM proficiency program in the United States about seven years ago.  Now there are 18 labs participating Radiacross the nation including labs in Hawaii and provinces in Canada. In 2013, Craig presented a poster about the program at the Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Due to the high praise and encouragement from the publication, the poster was adapted into a publication in Microscopy Today.  Our hats are off to Craig and the WVDL team members, Dr. Kathy Kurth and Audrey Dikkeboom, and Dr. Sara Miller at Duke University who made this all possible.

The article, entitled ‘Keeping Up Electron Microscopy Diagnostic Skills in a PCR World’,  can be found here: https://onlinedigeditions.com/publication/?i=223321
