Dr. Donald Sockett Findings From Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) Study

 Dr. Donald Sockett Presents Poster on BRD


On Friday, Sept. 20, Dr.  Donald Sockett gave a poster presentation on bovine respiratory disease (BRD) at the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) Annual Conference in Milwaukee.  The most interesting findings of this study follow.  The link to view Sockett’s poster is included below.

Dr. Donald Sockett Veterinary Microbiologist DVM, Univ. of Guelph, 1981 PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1991 Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M.
Dr. Donald Sockett
Veterinary Microbiologist
DVM, Univ. of Guelph, 1981
PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1991
Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M.
  • Mycoplasma bovis and bovine respiratory corona virus were found in a high number of calves (≥ 50%) with BRD.
  • Treated calves with BRD consumed less dry feed (calf starter) and had poorer feed-to-gain ratios than calves that did not have BRD.
  • There was no difference in milk replacer consumption between calves with BRD (even if treated) and calves that did not have BRD, thus indicating that a reduction in liquid feed ( milk or milk replacer) intake is not a reliable metric to use for early detection of BRD.
  • Even if treated, calves with BRD weighed less at weaning time than calves that did not have BRD.
  • Pre-weaned calves that had a bout of BRD severe enough to require treatment with antimicrobial drugs should be fed milk or milk replacer for a longer period of time than calves that have not had BRD. The longer feeding time will give the BRD affected calves the time they need to catch up (growth) with the calves that did not have BRD.


Poster for Presentation
